Contributions and limitations of Neo-Institutional Theory for understanding corporate environmentalism
Corporate environmentalism; Neo-Institutional Theory; Theoretical agenda; Sustainability.Abstract
This essay was designed to present the contributions and gaps that the Neo-Institutional Theory about the need for sustainable production and corporate environmentalism proposed by Hoffman (2001). For this, elements of the Neo-Institutional Theory were retrieved and approaches on the theme of sustainability with a focus on business environmentalism were arranged. Finally, an overlapping of Neo-Institutional Theory with the perspective of sustainability, in the strict sense of corporate environmentalism was carried out, highlighting subsidies and negligence of the theory as well as the disparity of the theoretical agenda with the empirical agenda and its implications for understanding this strand of environmentalism. It is concluded that the gap left by the Neo-Institutional Theory lies in the fact that it does not contemplate the dimension of power in its analytical structure and, consequently, does not observe the political essence of sustainable production.
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