Taking care of me to take care of the other: promoting self-care among resident professionals
Health Postgraduate Programs; Health Promotion; Mental Health.Abstract
Objective: To describe the experiences lived in the self-care group developed in a Multiprofessional Residency Program in Family and Community Health. Methods: This is a descriptive, qualitative study, of the type of experience report, based on the problematization methodology of the Arco de Maguerez. The actions aimed at promoting the self-care of resident professionals took place between the months of August 2020 and March 2021, during the pedagogical activities corresponding to the tutoring, weekly, remotely, through the virtual tool Google Meet and with an average duration of 60 minutes, totaling 26 meetings. Results and Discussion: The virtual meetings allowed residents to discuss about the activities to be planned and carried out in the face of the pandemic scenario and the physical and psychological impacts arising from the reformulation of the teaching-learning process. Final Considerations: The holding of meetings to strengthen and encourage self-care contributed to the strengthening of participants, empowerment and a culture of expressing themselves and highlighting their needs and anxieties, in addition to creating links with the other members of the team, especially in times of remote activities , where the meetings of the whole team could have become more scarce. Thus, the meetings aroused even more the feeling of interprofessionality, humanity, loveliness and self-responsibility for one's own health and that of the other with whom one works.
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