The insertion of black women in the labor market based on ethnic-racial and gender relations



Black Women; Job Market; Ethnic Racial Relations.


Objective: to analyze the relationships and work spaces in which black women are inserted. Methodology: this is an integrative review of a qualitative nature, where the search for articles was carried out in July 2022 in the Google Scholar databases and CAPES Periodicals Portal. Results and discussion: 17,972 articles were identified, 17,700 from Google Scholar and 272 from the CAPES Periodicals Portal. After a detailed analysis and use of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 5 articles were selected to answer the problem of the present study. Final considerations: it was found that there are many challenges and possibilities, making it important to trace paths, foster debates, so that black women can obtain the same treatment and opportunities in the workplace and other spheres of society.



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How to Cite

REGINA TEIXEIRA VANDERLEI, F.; AGUIAR DE SOUZA DOS SANTOS, A. .; PEREIRA SODRÉ, S.; VIEIRA DE SOUZA, B. .; AMORIM DA SILVA, L. .; WELÍSON PEREIRA DA SILVA, E. .; CORDEIRO DE FREITAS, M.; CAVALCANTI DE LIMA, V. L. . The insertion of black women in the labor market based on ethnic-racial and gender relations. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. E29915, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jul. 2024.



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