The opportunities for return to leadership in the burger category for Seara Gourmet



Teaching Case, Administration, Marketing, Gourmet Burger


The hamburger category presents an opportunity for growth, given an important change taking place in consumption habits in Brazilian homes: this type of protein is being consumed more in the main meals of the day, and is no longer just for snack times. However, the Seara Gourmet line, one of Seara's food lines, has lost space in the market to its main competitors: Carapreta and Wessel. Carapreta gains a more relevant space in sales, and Wessel has a better execution in sales channels than Seara. In this sense, it can be seen that one of the competitors, by operating strongly with execution in the channel, gains more market space than Seara Gourmet. The great opportunity of the teaching case is to challenge students to create an execution plan in the channels in which Seara Gourmet operates, in order to overcome the competition, take advantage of this wave of growth and become the main brand in presence and visibility. Furthermore, the case allows exploring all axes of value generation through the 4 primary axes of the business: commercial, marketing, product and supply. To do this, we can think about the following questions: How, through channel execution, will the Marketing manager be able to achieve 26% growth in the brand's sales and take leadership in the premium category? What should the Seara Gourmet brand do to grow in volume in the Burger category, increasing presence and visibility in the sales channel?


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How to Cite

FARIAS, V. C. de .; MOTTA, R. G. . The opportunities for return to leadership in the burger category for Seara Gourmet. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 1, p. e34237, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Cases, Educational Objects and Experience Reports