The use of maternity and feminine as an instrument of torture in DOPS-SP, OBAN and Tiradentes Prison(1969 – 1974)


  • Selly Laryssa da Fonsêca Lins UFRN



This text intends to discuss about torture and mortification practices consummated by the repressive spaces, highlighted the Operação Bandeirantes (OBAN), Dops – SP and the Tiradentes prison, at the time of the civil-military dictatorship, against the women bodies who dared question, some how, the in force pollitical regime. We seek to understand how and why social and biological features of female condition, such as the matenity, were used as a control and subjection tool by the coercitive spaces and their agents. For this purpose, we made an archeogenealogical analysis of the testimonies of four former militants whose reports were given to the Working Group (WG) “Ditadura e Gênero” of the National Truth Commission from September 17 of 2013 to March 6 of 2014.

KEYWORDS: Repression, women, spaces, torture.


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Author Biography

Selly Laryssa da Fonsêca Lins, UFRN

Licenciada em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) e aluna do Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História – PPGH/UFRN. CV: E-mail:



How to Cite

DA FONSÊCA LINS, S. L. REPRESSION SPACES:: The use of maternity and feminine as an instrument of torture in DOPS-SP, OBAN and Tiradentes Prison(1969 – 1974). Espacialidades Journal, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 01, p. 62–74, 2019. DOI: 10.21680/1984-817X.2019v15n01ID19188. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.