An almost eternal reunion

Ailton Krenak and the Assembly National Constituent (1987)


  • Rafael Ricarte UFPI
  • Rômulo Rossy Leal Carvalho UFPI



History, Constituent Assembly, Ailton Krenak, 1987


This article discusses the course of the participation of natives in the process of the National Constituent Assembly (1987-1988) – in particular Ailton Krenak, from the Krenak community. We observed the construction of discourses about the participation of natives in the period, and how the indigenous category was presented to the public through the guidelines of a new constitution for the country in the first edition of Jornal da Constituinte (1987). We dialogued with the researchers Maria Regina Celestino de Almeida (2010), Miguel Alberto Bartolomé (2006), Christian Teófilo da Silva (2015). Our reflections allowed us to perceive a dynamics by Krenak about otherness, in the context of a participation to which few lines are dedicated in the first issue of the Constituent periodical.


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Author Biography

Rômulo Rossy Leal Carvalho, UFPI

Graduando em Licenciatura Plena em História na Universidade Federal do Piauí – Campus Senador Helvídio Nunes de Barros. Bolsista CAPES do Programa Institucional Residência Pedagógica no Centro Estadual de Tempo Integral Marcos Parente, Picos-PI.



How to Cite

RICARTE, R.; ROSSY LEAL CARVALHO, R. An almost eternal reunion: Ailton Krenak and the Assembly National Constituent (1987). Espacialidades Journal, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 02, p. 227–245, 2020. DOI: 10.21680/1984-817X.2019v15n02ID19538. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jun. 2024.