The backcountry imagined by Guimarães Rosa and yours traps

a reading of “-Uai, eu?”


  • Glener Ochiussi FFLCH - USP



History of space, João Guimarães Rosa, Culture break, Uai eu?


The article proposes to analyze the short story: "Uai, eu", written by João Guimarães Rosa in 1967, based on perspective history of culture. To begin with, we developed some reflections on the distances and approximations between literary discourse and historical narrative, from which we infer the possibility of using literature as a historical source. Then, armed with the theory of literature, and in search of some facets of the “backcountry imagined by Guimarães Rosa”, we interpret the short story. Finally, based on the writings of Gancho (2003), Leonel (2017), Braudel (2014) and Albuquerque Júnior (2011), we move to the problematization of the space theme and its respective importance for the reading of "-Uai, eu?". The conclusion is that, on fictional short story, the protagonist, Jimirulino don’t has a cultural break (gestate in “backcountry imagined by Guimarães Rosa”) because have he admire your chief: Mimoso.


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Author Biography

Glener Ochiussi, FFLCH - USP

Mestre em Letras pela Unesp (Campus de São José do Rio Preto – SP) e doutorando em História social pela FFLCH-USP – São Paulo. E-mail:



How to Cite

OCHIUSSI, G. The backcountry imagined by Guimarães Rosa and yours traps: a reading of “-Uai, eu?”. Espacialidades Journal, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 154–172, 2020. DOI: 10.21680/1984-817X.2020v16n2ID20055. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.