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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author has filled out his/her profile, which includes his/her orcid account (
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The author declares to follow the ethical standards of publication (Statement of Ethics).
  • The text does not fall into the situations described in the Editorial Policy on Plagiarism.
  • The submission follows the journal’s guidelines (Author Guidelines). [Submissions that do not comply with the journal’s publication standards will be rejected by the editors.]
  • In case the manuscript has images, the permissions for the use of images have been sent to the editors of Odisseia. In the case of translated texts, the author’s and editor’s permission to translate and publish the original text has been sent to the editors of Odisseia.

Author Guidelines

General Guidelines (for articles, book reviews and article translations):

• Authors should be MA students co-authored by their advisers, doctorate students, or holders of MA or PhD degrees.  Their profile forms must be fully filled out in the journal system, including the link to their Lattes CV and orcid account.

• Submissions must adhere to these standards: A4 page size, 12 pt size Arial font, 1.5 line spacing, and 2.5cm page margins (right, left, top, bottom).

• Submissions should not include the name(s) of the author(s), nor any indication in the body of the text that makes it possible to identify them. If the author’s surname is in the body of the text or in References, replace it with the word ‘author.’ In the case of translations, the name of the translator should not be indicated in the text.

Guidelines for Articles:

• Articles should be 15 to 20 pages in length, including appendices.

• The title should be in single line spacing, font size 14 pt, centered and bold. Only the first letter of the title should be capitalized (except for proper nouns).  In the next line, the English version of the title should be indicated.

• The abstract should have 100 to 150 words, font size 12 pt and be single line spaced. It should be written in Portuguese and in English. In case the manuscript is written in English, French or Spanish, the abstract should be written in the foreign language and in Portuguese. The term SUMÁRIO (ABSTRACT, RESUMEN or RÉSUMÉ) should be bold, capitalized and followed by a colon.

• The keywords, in Portuguese and in the foreign language, must have the same formatting as the abstract. The term PALAVRAS-CHAVE (KEYWORDS, PALABRAS CLAVE or MOTS CLEFS) should be bold, capitalized and followed by a colon. There should be 3 to 5 words, which are separated from each other by a period (NBR 6028).

• The Introduction (or another equivalent subtitle) and Conclusion (or another equivalent subtitle) are not numbered. All other subtitles must be numbered without the period after the numeral. They must be in font size 12 pt, bold, and only the first letter of the subtitle should be capitalized (except for proper nouns).  

• Articles that analyze data that involve human beings must present the approval process number of the Ethics Committee of the author’s institution (Resolution No. 510/2016 of Brazil’s National Health Council).

• Images, tables or graphics that accompany the text must appear inside the document in the space provided and be sent in separate files in case of formatting problems.

• In case the articles use images (from the internet, books, screen shots of films, etc.), the author(s) must send the permission of use (given by those who hold their rights) to the editors of Odisseia via email. No articles with images will be published if the permission for their use is not sent to Odisseia.

• Articles that use phonetic symbols should use True Type fonts.

• Citations and references must follow ABNT NBR 10520 and NBR 6023 guidelines, respectively. Citations with indentation must have 11 pt font size, and footnotes, 10 pt. Do not use idem, ibidem, or op. cit.

• References of articles that have free access on the Internet should bring the direct link to the articles (not the site address of the journal) and the date they were accessed.

• When citing the title of a work in the manuscript and in References, use italics (not bold). As in the References (NBR 6023), do not use italics or quotation marks for subtitles, titles of chapters and articles.

• Works that are collections of essays by the same author or chapters by different authors should not be generally referenced. Each essay or chapter should be referenced separately.

Guidelines for book reviews:

• Book reviews should be 4 to 10 pages in length.

• The works to be reviewed should be relevant to the focus and scope of the journal. No reviews of fictional works will be published.

• At the top of the first page, the complete reference of the work to be reviewed should be presented according to ABNT NBR 6023. It should be in 14 pt font size, bold, justified, and single line spaced.  Only the first letter of the title should be capitalized (except for proper nouns).  

• The publication date of the work to be reviewed should not exceed five years. In case it does, the author(s) should, prior to any submission, contact the editors to let them know about the relevance of the work.

Guidelines for translated articles:

• The guidelines for translated articles are the same as for unpublished articles.

• The publication date of the article to be translated should not exceed 5 years. In case it does, the translator should, prior to any submission, contact the editors to let them know about the relevance of the work.

• The translator must forward Odisseia editors the email message he/she received with the permission given by the article’s author(s) and the editor(s) of the journal to publish the translation.


Submission Preparation Checklist

The author has filled out his/her profile, which includes his/her orcid account (

The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.

The author declares to follow the ethical standards of publication (Statement of Ethics).

The text does not fall into the situations described in the Editorial Policy on Plagiarism.

The submission follows the journal’s guidelines (Author Guidelines). [Submissions that do not comply with the journal’s publication standards will be rejected by the editors.]

In case the manuscript has images, the permission for its use has been sent to the editors of Odisseia. In the case of translated texts, the emails with the author’s and editor’s permission to  publish the translation of the original text have been sent to the editors of Odisseia.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed during the submission process will be used exclusively for the services provided by this journal and are not available for other purposes or to third parties. Authors’ email addresses are informed in the manuscripts published by Odisseia.