Post structuralist philosophies of language and decolonialities: contributions for teacher education?




Philosophies of language. Decolonialities. Teacher education.


This article explores possible - connections between the post-structuralist philosophies of language (in the precepts of Wittgenstein, 1999; Derrida, 2002 and Foucault, 1999) and decolonial studies (in the precepts of Quijano, 2005; Castro-Gómez & Grossfoguel, 2007 and Menezes de Souza, 2019, 2020). In the first section, we explore some perspectives on post-structuralist philosophies of language and the linguistic turn, such as changes in language views. In the second section, “From post-structuralism to decolonial?”, we briefly discuss three perspectives on decolonial studies, according to the aforementioned authors. Finally, in the section “For a paradigm shift in the English teacher education”, we seek to connect the philosophical dimension of the first two perspectives with teacher education, by suggesting that we need more discussion on teacher education of foreign language professionals from philosophical perspectives in our country.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Ferraz, USP

Daniel Ferraz is a professor at the Department of Modern Languages and at the Graduate Program of English Linguistics and Literature at the University of São Paulo.

Maria Cecília Soares de Paula Mendes, Universidade de São Paulo

Maria Cecilia Mendes is a PhD candidate at the Graduate Program of English Linguistics and Literature at the University of São Paulo.



How to Cite

FERRAZ, D.; SOARES DE PAULA MENDES, M. C. Post structuralist philosophies of language and decolonialities: contributions for teacher education?. Odisseia, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 107–126, 2021. DOI: 10.21680/1983-2435.2021v6n2ID23227. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.