Onde andará Dulce Veiga?, a novel of redemocratization
Brazilian contemporary literature, Military dictatorship, Memory, Literature and societyAbstract
The following paper intends to analyze the novel Onde andará Dulce Veiga? (1990), by Caio Fernando Abreu, as a symbol of the process of redemocratization. In short: it intends to articulate how this work immediately answers to an ambivalent socio-historical process and how this develops itself in its own narrative universe. For that, it utilizes the theoretical discussions of Adorno (1988), Candido (2006), Gagnebin (2006), Schwarz (1978), Seligmann-Silva (2005) and AUTHOR (2015). Therefore, targeting the relations between literature and society, I shall discuss categories such as memory, forgetfulness and trauma and its implications in the narrative structure. Following this path, it is possible to see the ambivalences of the text as contradictory marks that are outside of it, characterizing the novel as, unless I am mistaken, the first one to apprehend the legacies of the dictatorship. Therefore, just as an omen, this novel points to the ghosts that belong to our social fabric and penetrate in Brazilian contemporary literature in a regular and intense form ever since.
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