Peer Review

The papers that are submitted to Odisseia are blindly reviewed by members of the journal’s Editorial Board and/or ad hoc reviewers (professors from UFRN and other national or international higher education institutions).

Steps in the peer review process:

  1. When a manuscript is submitted, a preliminary evaluation is done. The manuscript is checked in terms of plagiarism and normalization (page size, font type, margins, deletion of authorial data, etc.)
  2. In case the manuscript is not approved in this phase, the author(s) will be notified and the manuscript will be filed. If the reason for the manuscript not to be approved is not plagiarism, the author(s) may make the necessary changes in the manuscript and submit it again.
  3. When the manuscript is approved in the prior phase, it is designated to one of the journal’s editors. S/he is responsible for the whole evaluation process of that specific manuscript.
  4. The editor will select two reviewers to blindly review the manuscript. The reviewers may be members of the journal’s editorial board and/or ad hoc reviewers. The selection of reviewers solely depends on their academic expertise.
  5. In case there is discrepancy in their reviews (for example, one reviewer approves the paper and the other one rejects it), the editor will select a third reviewer to blindly review the manuscript.
  6. After the reviews are sent to the editor through SEER, the editors make a final editorial decision about the manuscript and send an email message to the author(s).

This evaluation process (from the moment the manuscript is submitted to the editors’ decision) is carried out within a six-month period, as suggested by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel).