Habermas, Foucault and the “vulneronormativity”: interfaces between norm and experience
Habermas; Foucault; vulnerabilities; public sphere; micro-politics.Abstract
The article makes a vulnerable seam between diagnoses and proposals that Habermas and Foucault carry out on intersubjectivity, recognition and political community. Despite insoluble distinctions, we argue that it is possible to foster productive approximations between them based on the way in which they address vulnerabilities linked to the processes of political subjectivation. Such an undertaking is carried out from the instrumentalization of the notion of vulnerabilities and from a careful examination of the bases of the normative ethics of discursive exchange, in Habermas, and of the ethics of “self-care” that faces power in its relational configuration, in Foucault. Based on “vulnerable seams”, we propose to overcome a dichotomy that is repeated in the opposition of both traditions and schools of thought, proposing a concept that shelters and hybridizes them, although without appeasing their tensions and dissent: the “vulneronormativity”.
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