Building a bridge: A heideggerian propaedeutic for the establishment of a pre-science
Heidegger, Pre-Science, Science, HumanitiesAbstract
Relatively often Martin Heidegger's thought is presented as that of an exacerbated critic of science. This criticism is put under suspicion for his political participation in National Socialism and is accused, in many cases without any basis, of being reactionary, of being a step backwards in the line of progress. However, Heidegger himself shows that nothing is further from the truth: His intention is not to annul science, but to redirect it, to serve as a beacon for all sciences, without distinction between the sciences of nature and the sciences of the spirit. The Heideggerian purpose is to establish a kind of pre-science that serves to guide all sciences (whether of nature or of the spirit). We will seek to expose how this pre-science serves as a guide for science and how it can become a bridge that serves to unite the two shores of science.
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