Digital marketing strategies for Distribuidora de Bebidas Ronak to increase engagement with customers



Digital Marketing, Engagement Marketing, Social Media, Content Marketing


The objective of this study is to identify which digital marketing strategies are most suitable for the company Distribuidora de Bebidas Ronak to increase customer engagement. This study is developed through descriptive research, qualitative and quantitative approach, using as a case study Distribuidora de Bebidas Ronak, a medium-sized company in the beverage retail sector, located in São Leopoldo/RS. For quantitative data collection, a questionnaire was administered to the company's customers, obtaining 80 responses and for the qualitative approach, netnography was used, the website, Instagram and main results on Google of the main competitor were analyzed. It was suggested that the company strengthen its online presence, create relevant content, digital marketing campaigns, monitoring and evaluation. The aforementioned actions will allow the company to achieve its marketing objectives, such as increasing brand visibility, attracting new customers, retaining existing customers and increasing sales


Author Biographies

Kauê José Fernandes Homem, Faculdade IENH

Bacharel em Administração de Empresas na Faculdade IENH

Luciane Pereira VIANA, Faculdade IENH

Doutora em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social pela Universidade Feevale. Professora na Faculdade IENH


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How to Cite

HOMEM, K. J. F. .; VIANA, L. P. Digital marketing strategies for Distribuidora de Bebidas Ronak to increase engagement with customers. Revista de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão em Gestão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. e35230, 2025. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 mar. 2025.


