Have you ever felt hated today?
Cultural Pedagogies of Hate About Disobedience of Normality
This essay is inspired by textual movements that explain the complex conditions of abnormal subjects' ways of life and the hate dynamics that permeate these experiences today. The contemporary political and cultural scenarios demand the resumption of contributions and the problematization of the discourses that permeate the different ways of being and acting in contemporary times. Given these conditions, I ask: How does hatred as a contemporary cultural policy act pedagogically on bodies and subjectivities that are understood as marginal to normalizing representation systems? Aware of the conditions that weaken the notion of life in societies, offenses and insults, as well as corrective pedagogies, it is contemporary with the historical and cultural dimensions that constitute deviant identities. This text problematizes hatred as a constituent of phobia tactics and coping strategies of contemporary experiences that opportunity the problematization of hatred that educates.