Rethinking Bacamarte: Neuropsycopedagogy, Critical Neuroscience and Disability Studies
Neuropsychopedagogy; Critical Neuroscience; Disability Studies.Abstract
This paper aims to discuss the relationship between Neuropsychopedagogy, Critical Neuroscience and the social model of disability represented by Disability Studies. Having Deconstruction as its theoretical framework, it goes back to the metaphor of Bacamarte, present in the literature of Machado de Assis, to reason the traces between different fields of knowledge and to rethink the canon of Neuropsychopedagogy. It shows that throughout the 20th century knowledge about the body was disseminated in the Humanities and that this knowledge is translated into Neuroscience, notably in the work of António Damásio, enabling a Critical Neuroscience proposal from the second decade of the 21st century. It concludes by pointing out the need for a deconstructive theoretical and practical agenda on the subject, especially in relation to the role of the neuropsychopedagogue in contemporary times.
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