Journal of the History of Education: A Historical and Bibliometriv View (2017-2019)
Journal of History of Education; Bibliometrics; Research in History of Education.Abstract
This paper focuses on articles published in the Revista de História da Educação (RHE), edited by the Association of Researchers in the History of Education (ASPHE) between 2017 and 2019, classified as A1 in the QUALIS/CAPES system. Understanding what is published in the History of Education in a journal that, in addition to being well-regarded, is part of the historical constitution of the History of Education field, provides important elements for understanding how this field presents itself today. The objective is to list and analyze the themes present in the journal, its historical and geographic clippings. The methodology used is anchored both in bibliometrics and in historical research. Data collection took place with the subsidy of a table that designated the number, volume, month/year of publication; title; author(s) and his/her affiliation(s); words – keys, number of pages, time and geographic clippings; thematic. The treatment was limited to temporal, geographic and thematic cuts. Regarding periodization, the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are less discussed, together they represent 10%, most researches focus on more recent periods, the twentieth century represents 56%, the nineteenth is treated in 23% and XXI, in 11% of the articles. This finding is related to the availability of sources. However, other elements, such as the themes addressed, can build a more precise explanation. The geographic clippings point to research on Brazil in 49%, Europe in 26% and South America in 10% of the articles. Works articulating countries from different continents add up to 14% and deal with South American relations or between South America and Europe. Only 1% of the articles deal with North America. Despite the strong international dialogue, this is restricted to Europe and neighboring countries, showing limits to internationalization, with reinforcement of dialogue with already well-established actors. Regarding the themes, they were categorized into 17 themes, but there was a concentration in some. Almost a quarter of the articles (24%) dealt with the theme “Educational Ideas, Systems of Thoughts, Intellectuals and Education”; 12% of “Educational Prints – manuals, textbooks, periodicals”; 8% of the “Teaching Profession, Memories and Teacher Training”; 6% of “School Disciplines, Curriculum, School Culture”. Publications with traditional issues remain as the main ones and emerging issues such as gender, ethno-racial issues and childhood have less presence. This survey points out issues relevant to the characterization of a journal with the best institutional evaluation, as well as what is generally researched in Brazil and with whom dialogue is privileged. Possibilities open up: validation of new sources, or new treatments, capable of stepping back in periodization is a challenge to be faced; as well as proposing new international interlocutors and an effort to transpose the plurality of perspectives on Education as a whole to the History of Education in particular.
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