The role of the family in the care of elderly: An integrative review



Família; Idoso; Envelhecimento.


Introduction: when thinking about care for the elderly, in addition to the necessary help from professionals, the role of the family is also highlighted, considering that it is the one that receives the greatest burden of responsibility. Objective: to analyze the nuances that permeate the responsibility of the family in the care of the elderly, in view of the importance of this care related to the social policies aimed at this population and the socioeconomic reality. Methodology: this is an integrative literature review that took place in August 2022, through online access in the databases: Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Google Scholar, being selected and included in this review 05 articles that were published between the years 2018 and 2021. Results and discussion: the selected studies were important for understanding the theme and its interfaces, the articles mostly had a qualitative approach and exploratory study, which made it possible to have a greater dimension of the role of the family of the care for the elderly. Final Considerations: it was found that a better understanding of the entire context by the family members involved is necessary so that they can subsidize social policies for more adequate care relationships with the reality experienced and thus avoiding the illness of the parties involved.


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SANTOS BRITO, N. J.; LEAL CORREIA, C. G. .; SILVA SOUZA, A. .; RANGEL COSTA DE ALMEIDA, A. B. .; TEIXEIRA VANDERLEI, F. R. .; SOUSA FRANCO, L. de L.; LIMEIRA SILVA LIMA, G. .; PEREIRA DA SILVA, E. W.; VASCONCELOS MORAES DA SILVA, J. .; CORDEIRO DE FREITAS, M. .; CAVALCANTI DE LIMA, V. L. . The role of the family in the care of elderly: An integrative review. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. e30401, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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