Evaluation of MEEM and CDR in elderly with and without dementia at Rio Branco, Acre



Dementia; Homeopathy; Mini Mental State Examination; MMSE; Clinical Dementia Rating.


The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) are tools that can be applied to patients with dementia for screening and staging purposes, although standardizations are lacking throughout the Brazilian population. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare results of the MMSE and CDR in elderly patients with and without dementia, submitted to complementary homeopathic treatment in Rio Branco, Acre. The study participants were 43 elderly under follow-up for cognitive or motor complaints, with and without dementia. Individual, socioeconomic, cognitive assessment with MMSE and assessment of the severity of dementia using CDR were evaluated. The results showed that the most frequent dementia diagnoses were frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer's dementia and vascular dementia. The results of the CDR were in agreement with those of the MMSE in most of the participants. The results of the MMSE were influenced by the level of education, while those of the CDR were not. There was also interference, even in patients without dementia, in attention, calculation and visuospatial ability, suggesting that these domains can be early affected even in patients only with memory deficits. Therefore, the MMSE is a test subject to the influence of schooling, and may also be affected by visual, motor and hearing deficits, and its use in the elderly population of Acre should be evaluated with caution as a diagnostic tool for dementia. On the other hand, the CDR had no influence on schooling in this population, although it may have limited use in dementias with behavioral symptoms.


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How to Cite

MADRUGA, K. A. S.; LIMA, L. F. M.; SANTOS, L. M. .; MARQUES, J. de O. .; SILVA, C. . A. de A. .; VELAZQUEZ, M. L. C. .; SILVA-NUNES, M. da . Evaluation of MEEM and CDR in elderly with and without dementia at Rio Branco, Acre. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 1, p. e32828, 2024. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/casoseconsultoria/article/view/32828. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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