Biopower and medical knowledge
standardization, surveillance and control of tuberculous bodies (Brazil, 1920 - 1970)
Tuberculosis. Control. Biopower and Social SpaceAbstract
Starting from the concepts of biopower and normalization society, the creation of the National Department of Public Health (NDPH) and the fight against tuberculosis were analyzed, in Brazil, between the years 1920's and 1970's. Institutional documents, reports and journals were used, in order to identify articulations between medical knowledge and legislation that generated capillary power relations in social spaces, forming a regulating and standardizing and normalizer web of discipline and habits of individuals and general customs. These daily practices were identified as arts of living which fed back with the creation and redefinition of spaces of control and surveillance of people and tuberculosis, such as habitations, schools, factories and hospitals, in example of Manuel de Abreu Hospital located in Crato city, Ceará- Brazil.
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