Double-Blind Peer Review

Revista Inter-Legere uses Double-Blind Peer Review process. The evaluators are professors and researches from various educational institutes, who searches in the area of sociology. Apart from the manuscripts which will compose the thematic dossier and the papers proposed by professors who were invited by the editor chief to submit it, all the evaluation process of the manuscripts is done by an electronic system.

The editorial staff is responsible for ensuring the accordance of the articles destined to compose the dossier with the Journal's submission and editorial policy, evaluating the manuscripts as they are submitted and mediating contact with the authors during the orthographic and technical (ABNT) review process. Furthermore, the evaluators are to forward the papers with eventual comments to be observed by the authors before the text formatting. It is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief, assisted by his team, to receive the submitted papers, observing whether they conform to the Journal's Rules of submission and editorial policy and refer it to the evaluators, observing the compatibility of fields of work and Potential evaluators. After the work is evaluated, the chief editor observes the recommendations and forwards it to a new evaluator (when there is a tied evaluation) or to orthographic and technical revisions.

All this processing takes place within the electronic system so that the authors are able to monitor the process progress by the electronic system. The Editorial staff is composed of Doctors, doctoral students and masters of the Graduate program in social and external sciences, who assist in the work of electronic publishing, translation and review (of titles, abstracts, and keywords) in several languages, test readings, text formatting, normalization, and others. The technical support and other secretarial activities are executed by an undergraduate student.

Neither the editor nor the members of the editorial staff work as evaluators, except in cases of works submitted to the book reviews’ section, when one of the evaluation is made by the section’s editor or by the editor himself. Also, concerning to the dossier section, the chief editor might assist in evaluating submitted articles, in case of the express need of its organizer. The editor responsible for the book reviews’ section must be a doctoral student and a university professor.te