Zaíta forgot to put her toys – the journey of stray bullets: the dialogue between the news and the literary story




violence, tale, news, reality, literality


This article aims to promote reflections on the intertextual elements that dialogue thematically and influence the construction of the fictional project of the short story “Zaíta forgot to save the toys” by the author Conceição Evaristo, coming from the news genre. To do so, we use the analysis of the short story in dialogue with the theme evidenced in newspaper reports circumscribed to events caused by stray bullets. Through a qualitative approach and theoretical-analytical-comparative methodology, the objective is to propose a model of reading about the intertextual relationship between the news and the literary tale, considering their converging aspects (unit, means of origin) and divergent in which refers to the order, objectivity and language used in the way of portraying reality and discussing, through dialogue between textual genres the aspects that mobilized writing aimed at the childish universe and innocence in the violent context of the periphery.


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Author Biography

Wagner Araujo, Unesp - Araraquara

He holds a degree in Language from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2002) and a master's and doctorate in Portuguese from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. He is currently a Full Professor at the Federal Institute of São Paulo-Matão campus. He worked for ten years as a professor at the Faculty of Technology of the State of São Paulo and six years at FIEB-Fundação Instituto Tecnológico de Barueri. He taught classes in the Languages course at Unianhanguera Campus Campo Limpo in the disciplines of Morphology and Phonetics and Phonology. He has experience in Linguistics, with an emphasis on Portuguese, working mainly on the following topics: teaching, strategies, educational policy, linguistics, languages, education, milestones, social cognition, training, research and scientific production. He worked with research about the production of scripts for digital games based on literary texts to understand aspects that involve identity, advergames, social perspective linked to the narrative, and its importance in the universe of digital games, like avatars, stereotypes and composition of characters. He carried out research and a postdoctoral internship in the subject of Literature and Social Life at UNESP-campus Assis under the following theme: The female representation in digital games: Clarice Lispector and the protest discourse in a transmedia approach. He is currently a doctoral student in Literary Studies at UNESP in Araraquara and studies the dimensions of reality poetic in Conceição Evaristo's narratives.


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How to Cite

ARAUJO, W. Zaíta forgot to put her toys – the journey of stray bullets: the dialogue between the news and the literary story. Odisseia, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 21–39, 2024. DOI: 10.21680/1983-2435.2024v9n1ID31490. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.