Historiographical metafiction of language contacts in the Brazilian Portuguese language formation





Historiographical metafiction, Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Contacts


Historiographical metafiction (HUTCHEON, 1991) poses questions about the truth placed by official historiography and points out that there are truths now told through the voices of characters erased and silenced by official histories. Therefore, in this perspective, this article aims, as an unfolding from the historiographical metafiction theory (HUTCHEON, 1991) and based on (socio)linguistic theories (MATTOS E SILVA, 2004; LUCCHESI, 2009, 2017, 2019; CALLOU; LUCCHESI, 2020; LUCCHESI; CALLOU, 2020), to analyze the novel Um defeito de cor, by Ana Maria Gonçalves (2021[2006]) – a Brazilian author who lives in Minas Gerais –, as a historiographical metafiction of the linguistic contacts that occurred in the formation of Brazil, and consequently of Brazilian Portuguese language. This proposal shows us the need for an intersection between Literature and Linguistic Theories, given the fact that fictional narratives can be used as a support for several debates, in Literature/Brazilian Portuguese courses, about the socio-historical contexts of Brazilian Portuguese language formation, considering, especially, the lack of good film production illustrating this period.


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Author Biography

Jacson Baldoino Silva, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

Mestre em Estudos Linguísticos (PPGEL/UEFS). Graduado em Letras com habilitação em Língua Portuguesa e respectivas literaturas (UNEB). Tem interesse nos estudos de sintaxe do Português, particularmente do Português Popular do Brasil, nas propostas de ensino de Língua Portuguesa e na análise de discurso de linha foucaultiana. Atualmente é membro do Grupo de Pesquisa "Plataforma de Corpus Eletrônico de Documentos Históricos do Sertão" (UEFS) ? linha de pesquisa em Estudo sócio-histórico e linguístico, e do Grupo de Pesquisa em "Mentes e Linguagens - MENEL" (UNEB) - linha de pesquisa em Estudos Linguísticos de Libras, sob a perspectiva da teoria gerativa.



How to Cite

BALDOINO SILVA, J. . Historiographical metafiction of language contacts in the Brazilian Portuguese language formation. Odisseia, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 94–114, 2023. DOI: 10.21680/1983-2435.2023v8n1ID31608. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/odisseia/article/view/31608. Acesso em: 17 may. 2024.