Technodiscursivity, Argumentation, Textual Linguistics, Digital EcosystemsAbstract
This investigation aims to analyze aspects of technodiscursivity (Paveau, 2021) and the construction of argumentation (Amossy, 2017; 2018) in tweets from the @folha profile selected based on a thematic and temporal cut in interface with Textual Linguistics (Cavalcante et al, 2020, 2022). Theoretically, the analysis was guided by two basic references: Amossy's (2017) expanded conception of argumentation, calling for an argumentative analysis that includes parameters concerning the text; the theoretical-methodological enterprise aimed at the description and analysis of native digital discourses outlined by Paveau (2021) for Digital Discourse Analysis. In confluence, we believe that the dialogue between these approaches can provide relevant devices for the analyst to investigate the complexity of digital textualities that circulate in digital ecosystems, such as Twitter (currently X). Supported by a qualitative approach (Creswell, 2010), the analysis of the generated tweets consisted of: (i) generation of data for analysis, on the topic of politics; (ii) description of data tweets generated from the ecosystem in which they are inserted, Twitter; (iii) identification of technolinguage strategies on the @folha profile on this topic, taking into account the Digital Discourse Analysis categories; and (iv) considerations about the argumentative functioning of the tweets under analysis. The analysis revealed that @folha uses, among other aspects, the composite nature of technodiscourse, the phenomenon of reported technodiscourse and the dialogical character of interactivity, allowed by retweets and comments, to present facts and support arguments.
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