Women, humorous discourse, social scope, deconstruction, devaluationAbstract
This article takes up the historical discussion about the female gender and the socio-historical relations that involve the representation of women in society. Based on a discursive perspective – French Discourse Analysis –, it aims to address the representation of women in society and, more specifically, in humorous programs, thus making a comparative overview between old and current programs, such as “Zorra Total” and “The Noite com Danilo Gentili”. The research focuses on the discussion of female bodily issues that circulate in humorous programs, since a standard of bodily beauty is often observed in society, mainly aimed at women. Therefore, it is understood that how the female subject is portrayed in society, as well as to analyze the meanings produced from discourses referring to the female body and belonging to the field of humor. In this sense, the discourse in question is humorous discourse, which, in order to promote relaxation and laughter, contributes to the devaluation and depreciation of women. With this, it is hoped that the research will contribute to the social debate regarding the historical, cultural, political and ideological construction of discourse, which, in turn, not rarely oppresses the female body. Albeit modestly, this study aims to participate in the social process of deconstructing these standards of bodily beauty and the devaluation of women.
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