Advertising campaign, Argumentative strategies, Multimodal relations, Visual design grammarAbstract
This study aims to analyze how meanings are constructed in Boticário's #MaternidadeSemJulgamentos advertising, based on the multimodal relationships in the text and some of the categories proposed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006) in their Visual Design Grammar, in order to identify persuasive strategies present in this advertising piece. Therefore, it analyzes a sample of 9 (nine) frames from the campaing and explores the Argumentation categories (Amossy, 2017, 2020; Fiorin, 2020). The results showed that gender stereotypes, ethos and pathos are recurring argumentative strategies in this Boticário campaign, and the mother's blame for her choices in relation to her daughter is a strategy to say the opposite. This strategy may not have been as effective, given the controversies that the ad generated, as well as the different interpretations it had. The meanings are constructed from the representation of power and magnificence attributed to the prosecution lawyer from her entry until the final moment of the popular jury; The audience's emotions conveyed literally and by inference, through symbolic processes, were circumstances to reinforce popular and observer/reader adherence to what is culturally held as convention. This study also reveals that changes in socially accepted and disseminated gender stereotypes need to be adopted so that these judgments regarding the female image do not limit them or prevent them from being valued as they actually should and become better represented by advertising.
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