Sunk cost effect in the decision-making process: an analysis with accounting and business administration students
Sunk cost. Decision-making. Cognitive bias.Abstract
Purpose: The objective of this paper was to analyze the influence of the sunk cost effect in the decision-making process of Accounting and Business Administration undergraduate students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.
Methodology: The sample comprised 655 students, of which 347 were from the Accounting program and 308 from a Business Administration program. Data were collected through the application of structured questionnaires, based on the studies of Arkes and Blumer (1985), Rover, Wuerges, Tomazzia and Borba (2009) and Silva and Domingos (2010). After tabulation, the data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, as well as a Mann-Whitney U test to verify if there are differences between the answers of the Accounting and Business Administration students.
Results: The main results suggest that the amount of sunk cost can influence the occurrence of the sunk cost effect, and this evidence is perceived through the mean values, considering that the reduction of the amount of sunk cost is inversely proportional to the average disposition of the respondents in continue investing in the course of action. In addition, to identify that the investigated students take the sunk costs into consideration in the decision-making process, it is verified that there is no statistically significant difference between the medians of the respondents with regard to the questions that allow identifying the susceptibility to the sunk cost effect in the context of business decision-making.
Contributions of the Study: The study contributes to signal that the future professionals of Administration and Accounting are susceptible to the sunk cost effect, which can imply in a report of biased accounting information by future accountants, as well as biased decisions by future administrators. Furthermore, these results contrast previous evidence that suggests that agents from different areas of knowledge react differently to the presence of sunk costs.
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