Learning styles and teaching techniques: an analysis on its effects on knowledge acquired
Teaching techniques, learning styles, formative assessment and self-assessment.Abstract
Purpose: To verify if the students' learning styles impact the acquired knowledge, taking into account the application of teaching techniques in the classroom, specifically seeking to know if the subjects studied learn during the application of the technique.
Methodology: A quasi-experiment in an undergraduate class at a Federal University, with a quantitative approach through the analysis of generalized mixed models.
Results: It was found that learning styles do not interfere with student learning in case method and PBL techniques. However, in the Role-Play technique, it was found that learning styles interfered with student learning. It should be noted that the predominance was of the Assimilating style, followed by the Convergent and then the Accommodator. Students belonging to the accommodative style had a better performance compared to other students of the other styles.
Contributions of the Study: it was observed that teaching techniques can contribute to knowledge, and that especially, more playful techniques such as Role-Play are favorable, but depend on the learning characteristics of each individual. In this way, the present study contributes to the knowledge in the aspect of indicating that the use of teaching techniques can produce satisfactory results, as long as the learning style of each student is perceived.
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