Risk assessment in granting credit by non-financial legal entities
Credit assessment by legal entity, Default, Credit score, Rating scoreAbstract
Purpose: This study aimed to verify risk assessment procedures when granting credit by a legal entity, via financing, in negotiations with its customers.
Methodology: A documentary approach was used, with an emphasis on qualitative analysis, during the experimental study conducted at an XYZ organization linked to information technology.
Results: They point out that the credit score and rating score, established through the evaluation stages, taking into account the company's history, documentation, guarantees, financial health, cash flow, indebtedness, corporate governance and market prospects, enable the risk classification of their analyzed clients, ranging from AAA for the "alpha" client to D for the "beta" client. This result made it possible to deduce that credit assessment is an appropriate automation in financing decisions for commercial activities, capable of promoting financial flexibility and commercial agility. Customer risk classification is therefore seen as a fundamental tool for improving XYZ's financial decisions, minimizing default risks and guaranteeing the financial security of its commercial operations, resulting from the establishment of risk scores for both defaulting and non-defaulting companies.
Contributions of the Study: This study makes a relevant theoretical contribution to the field of research by highlighting the importance of validating the criteria used in granting financing, as well as the contextual factors that can affect decisions. The practical contribution of analyzing a non-financial institution, including under the pandemic context, and the way in which they minimize their default by establishing credit analysis mechanisms, provides improvements and consequently greater security as lenders.
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