Navigating the rivers of sustainability in the Amazon: the dilemma of accounting for carbon credits
Environmental Accounting, carbon credit, EnvironmentAbstract
Purpose: This teaching case aims to encourage discussions about the accounting treatment of carbon credits by presenting a fictional story about a female accountant, head of an ecologically sustainable family business called Econorte. Through the teaching case, lecturers and students from accounting courses will be able to discuss the bookkeeping of carbon credits from sustainable companies.
Methodology: The methodology of this case for teaching is mixed, as it starts from a process of reflexivity on the importance of studies from accounting for carbon credits to classification, accounting and explanations/justifications for such records.
Results: Based on the data presented in this case for teaching, it is possible to reflect, classify, record and justify the importance of accounting for carbon credits.
Contributions of the Study: The case contributes as an instrument that can be applied in the subjects of Environmental Accounting, Environmental Management, Socio-environmental Responsibility and Sustainable Development in undergraduate courses in the business area, mainly in the Accounting Sciences course.
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