Scores os irreconcilable temporality
Visual arts, Fragment, Sonority, Visuality, ScoreAbstract
The work with scores of irreconcilable temporality investigates artistic productions that correlates music and painting, the principles of daily and fragmentary from the shape-score. The subject of shape-score appears as a concept that enables the relationship, offering an interface between sonorities and visualities. In this notion of shape-score the article try to establish the idea of situationist deriva with Guy Debord’s proposal to disarticulate the continuous flow of the city, as well as to elaborate a new cartography using the physical territories, making analogy with the musical compass. Each territory mapped by the Naked City consists of the overlapping of several sound layers from 1957 to 2014. From the map, the author established new derivas in 2014 and expanded the notion of map by understanding it as a score in the expanded sense. The idea of cartography is the musical apprehension of the city: to map, to create territories where the sonority can exist.
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