Braille Music
information and communication with the Musibraille digital tool
Information sharing, Braille music, Musibraille digital platformAbstract
Braille music notation is a tactile writing system for representing musical notes, durations, dynamics, and other musical symbols, invented by Louis Braille in 1829. This text presents a brief review that discusses the history of Braille music notation, international efforts to consolidate it, its production through computer science, the emergence of music OCR, and other techniques. It also describes the Musibraille Project, aimed at revitalizing musical writing for the blind with the use of computer technology, showing its main operational details, including the possibility of sound playback of Braille sheet music and automatic transcription from conventional music scores to braille, and other relevant operational aspects. It also highlights the courses responsible for the great dissemination of Braille music notation in Brazil. The article concludes by showing the impact caused by this project, which has the potential to make music education and development much more accessible for blind people in this country.
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