o espaço fílmico, representações não-eurocêntricas e suas discussões
Cosmogonia; Espaço; Eurocêntricas; Colonialismo; Representações.Abstract
The article in question aims to analyse the French-Belgian short film Kiriku and the sorceress, having in mind the african cosmovisions presented in it. That's because it has its origins in the experiences of the director Michel Ocelot, who lived his childhood in West Africa and had contact with the oral tradition. By thinking on the media space in general, its relation with eurocentrical and, consequently, its links with colonialism, the article highlights how the portrayed representations diverge from the majorly watched productions, in a way that it does an analysis on the work's aesthetical aspects, pointing the presence of African cosmogonies in order to highlight its singularities and, at the same time, the multitude of West African traditions.
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