The The Past and Memory as Decolonial Instruments in the Practice of Sociomuseology
Analyzing the exhibition ''Jardim das Memórias''
Social Museology, Past, Bom Jardim, Memory, DecolonialityAbstract
This article, through the exhibition Jardim das Memórias at Ponto de Memória do Grande Bom Jardim, seeks to understand the importance of mobilizing the past and memory within an extremely marginalized community. In addition, understanding the process of decoloniality is an important step towards understanding community development, reducing and overcoming stigmatizations present in the community's imagination. By dialoguing between the concepts and analyzing the exhibition, we intend to emphasize the importance of a sociomuseological practice in a subaltern community and the search for the construction of its own past, mobilizing the residents themselves.
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