Editorial Policies

Section Policies


 Open submissions


 Peer review


 Open submissions


 Peer review


 Open submissions


 Peer review


 Open submissions


 Peer review


 Open submissions


 Peer review


Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to Espacialidades Journal will be evaluated by peers. The manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Team of Espacialidades Journal, as long as they meet the standards for publication, will be forwarded to evaluators of the Advisory Board or ad hoc consultants for issuing an opinion. When necessary, members of the Editorial Board may invite external reviewers to issue opinions for articles whose subject matter is not covered by the areas of expertise of the permanent members of the Advisory Board. The invited evaluator will be able to choose between provisionally or permanently joining the Advisory Board of Espacialidades Journal.


Open Access Policy

This Journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.



Espacialidades Journal publishes inedited articles and original research in the area of ??History and other Human Sciences, that make a dialogue between History and the production of Spaces, as well as the advances of historiography in this theme.


The magazine is part of Cariniana, the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services, part of the LOCKSS system.

Auto archiving

Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online in institutional repositories or on their personal page at any point before or during the editorial process, but this can generate productive changes, as well as increase or affect and citation of published article.


The electronic Journal has existed since 2008 and until 2015 it was an annual publication. However, as of 2016 it became a biannual publication, with the first edition of the year in June and the second edition in December being published after a public call. Streaming articles are also accepted.


Fees for publication

Espacialidades Journal will NOT charge authors fees for submitting, evaluating and publishing articles that may be published by the journal. All magazine content is published and provided free online.