Estigma e paradoxo:
o desvio e a exclusão em uma Escola Freinet
Desvio, Estigma, Exclusão, Pessoas com deficiênciaAbstract
This article aims to make explicit the problem of social exclusion inside Camafeu, a Freinet libertarian school. The problem of social exclusion is perceived under the optics of two conceptual systems: Gilberto Velho’s “Desvio e Divergência” (1979) and Erving Goffman’s “Estigma: notas sobre a manipulação da identidade deteriorada” (2004). The research relates to the concepts of deviation and stigma respectively. Within these two discoursive conceptual agents, it concieves deviation as a escape from the current social standards, wheter by the subject or by institucional means, once the school is a counter-hegemonic institution; regarding stigma, the concept is applied to the subjects as something which does not correspond to the current expectations of the social standards – people with disabilities, wheter physical or mental. It is within these two notions (deviation and stigma) that we observe the excluision of the scholars. Through the sociability pratices observed inside the School we developed an observation in which is possible to apply questionnaires and experiences in loco based on the ethnographic exercise over a ten month period. The moralities that permeates the space were investigated raising the following question: “Is it possible to exist social exclusion within a libertarian environment?”. The main hypothesis is that even when the institution is a libertarian and typically deviating one, it does not solve the problem of social exclusion, once the great transformations has to come, overall, from the relationships estabilished within the classrooms between the students themselves.
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