Dororidade, fiction and reality in the story “Shirley Paixão”, of Conceição Evaristo
“Shirley Paixão”, Conceição Evaristo, Dororidade, Fiction, RealityAbstract
The present study proposes to analyze the relationship between literature and society in the short story “Shirley Paixão”, of Conceição Evaristo. At first, we seek to clarify that the evaristian’s text, although supported by factors external to the narrative, it should not be understood from a sociological perspective, as it still configured as an artistic creation. In this sense, elements that denote the presence of fiction and reality in the prose will be highlighted, briefly demonstrating what differs it from other Brazilian’s literary productions. Also, another topic to be addressed concerns to dororidade, after all it is this little-known term that unites the female characters around a common topic: pain. In view of the above, to prove the ideas presented, real numbers will be used to reinforce the proximity between history and fiction. Are fundamental the Candido’s (2006) readings, about the interdependence between both spheres mentioned, and Piedade (2019), that explain and discusses the concept of dororidade. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that Evaristo’s builds his writing on subjects common to a significant portion of society and, by poetizing them, she invents a different way of representing black women in national literature.
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