Emotions and laws: affective jurilinguistics
jurilinguistics, emotions, translation, discourse, lawAbstract
The aim of this study is to present affective jurilinguistics as a new domain of multidisciplinary research which belongs to the fields of applied linguistics and law and which aims to identify and analyse the characteristics of the linguistic and extra-linguistic environment (socio-cultural, political, psychological, etc.) of acts of legal communication, in order to shed light on their motivations and consequences. The methodology proposed by affective jurilinguistics is based on an approach of unilingual or multilingual investigation of legal terms and discourse, which is aimed at language and law professionals, and whose results may help them in their work within our societies structured by affect and emotion. Thus, within the framework of an affective jurilinguistics approach, it will be possible to study the origins and socio-affective consequences of the coining of legal neologisms, the semantic and pragmatic aspects of legal discourse, the metaphors surrounding legal terms and concepts, the reactions of language and legal experts and non-experts to legal neologisms, the potential for a legal term to evolve within a given social group, as well as its export potential to other languages and legal cultures, and the challenges faced by legal translators as the translated text triggers or reveals their affective involvement in the topic. To sum up, in order to achieve a thorough understanding of how legal language-cultures evolve, researchers et experts may find it useful to approach human sensibility and its role in shaping our realities in today's globalized and interconnected societies.
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