Passos da luta pela emancipação feminina

A radicalidade como legado




Mary Wollstonecraft, Revolução Russa, Capital, Família, Angela Davis, Feminismo Negro


This article seeks to present the feminist ideology/theory that is related to revolutionary social movements. Initially I expose the pioneering thought of Mary Wollstonecraft, which, taking the Enlightenment conception and the defense of the French Revolution to the last consequences, gives it a radicalism absent in modern thinkers. I then address the development of the socialist conception of the problem of female emancipation by thinkers like Marx, Engels, Kollontai and Lenin, highlighting the subversion of the family institution proposed by the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution, articulated with the dissolution of private property and the State , in a proposal for a complete reorganization of human sociability. I also try to briefly expose aspects of black feminism by the socialist philosopher Angela Davis as an important development of the conception of female emancipation elaborated during the Russian revolution. With this, I intend to propose that the heirs of a thought are not those who repeat and extend its principles, but those who develop their radicality.


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How to Cite

COTRIM, V. Passos da luta pela emancipação feminina: A radicalidade como legado. Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (UFRN), [S. l.], v. 28, n. 55, p. 215–237, 2021. DOI: 10.21680/1983-2109.2021v28n55ID21653. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.