Political Funding. Political Party. Transparency.Abstract
This article aims to identify the profile of companies that finance political candidates in electoral years. To do so, this study contemplated the analysis of the 20 companies that made the most donations between the electoral years from 2002 to 2014. This quantity was chosen by the representativeness obtained in the total donations, besides allowing a more detailed and descriptive analysis of the sample. First, it was sought to capture the values ??of the donations declared to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) by the candidates. To obtain the data, it was used the website www.tse.jus.br and the website www.asclaras.org.br, and collected the information regarding the value of the donation, beneficiary positions, states and parties. Subsequently, the selection of the 20 largest donors in the selected electoral years was sought to identify the main characteristics of the donor companies, such as sector and size, and for this we used queries to private sites. From the identification of the donor companies and their sectors, the analyzes indicate that, faced with the completion of several sectors, the presence of public limited companies and the civil construction sector predominates, but it is possible to notice several sectors that supported the financing In the analyzed years, such as the Metallurgical and Food Industry sectors.
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