Construction Companies. Deferred Tax. Income Tax. CPC 32.Abstract
The purpose of this article was to analyze the adequacy of the accounting practices presented by the entities of the civil construction sector to the doctrinal and normative recommendations of the main bodies, as well as the numerical impact of deferred taxes. Twenty active construction companies were selected, classified in the ranking of the largest constructors in terms of constructed square meters, reported by Exame magazine. The items are cleared: a) explanatory notes: b) external audit; c) aliquots; d) express normative basis; e) accounting record; f) deferred assets recorded; g) recorded deferred liabilities. As a result, a consensus was reached regarding the accounting practices employed (CPC 32). As regards the asset and liability ratio, a minimum deferral of R$ 2,860,000.00 (calculated by construction company Cyrela) was recorded, representing 0.021% , and the highest amount of R 24,106,000 (verified by the Via Construtora Group). On the other hand, at the maximum level found, the deferred tax asset assumes 3.1% of total recorded assets of R $ 754,208,000.00. The minimum and maximum levels, 1.10% to 30.33%, on the liabilities side, represent a continuous extension of taxes and jeopardize a significant part of the future cash flow.
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