Teaching of Accounting and Management: configurations and demands of the class exposition
expository class, teaching strategies, learning.Abstract
Purpose: To analyze the links between expectations and actual experience in the development of expository classes. The aim was also to identify the quality parameters used by students and graduates to evaluate the quality of these classes.
Methodology: Qualitative research of an exploratory-descriptive nature, this study was based on the results of a survey conducted with undergraduate and postgraduate students of the courses of Management and Accounting Sciences, as well as graduates of these courses in the last three years. Although the theme-axis of this research is recurrent in scientific research, the cut proposed in this study was diagnostic.
Results: They point to the appreciation of the pedagogical conception in the daily practice of educational practices, especially in the planning of the lectures. The revealed expectation is that these directives are oriented by more progressive paradigms, focused on the autonomy of the subject, its emancipation and reality. The demands pointed out in the research demand the development of cognitive, technical, but also, relational and emotional competences, essential to the professional and social exercise of the individual. The research data led to the conclusion that teacher performance is valued for its effectiveness in incorporating into its practices the guiding objectives of developing the necessary or possible competences (intersubjective and relational dimension).
Contributions of the study: The investigation refers as contribution, punctual reflections on the academic practice, confronting expectations and effective practices.
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