Turnover management in an accounting office: whether or not to outsource the employee hiring process
Turnover, Outsourcing, Hiring, Accounting OfficesAbstract
Purpose: Analyze the turnover of employees in an accounting office hired through a recruitment and selection company and through the traditional method.
Methodology: The study collected information longitudinally to calculate turnover for the period from July 2017 to June 2020, totaling thirty-six months. In the first 18 months the company chose to carry out the recruitment and selection processes in the traditional way and in the last 18 months the recruitment and selection of employees were outsourced. Data collection for the study was carried out through two questionnaires, one for employees and the other for managers, sent by email. 23 responses were obtained from employees plus the participation of the human resources manager.
Results: Turnover rates reduced after the company chose to outsource the recruitment and selection of employees. The 18 months in which the company used the traditional hiring method were compared with the months in which the organization chose to outsource this part. Therefore, there was a 6.61% reduction in turnover rates, therefore it can be concluded that outsourcing the hiring of employees contributed to the reduction of this rate.
Contributions of the Study: The study demonstrates the behavior of staff turnover according to the method of hiring employees in an accounting office. High turnover, in addition to being more expensive, also causes a drop in productivity due to the new employee's training period. From a practical point of view, accounting offices can, in addition to maintaining this practice, recommend that their clients also use specialized services for employee selection and recruitment.
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