The adequate structuration of an integrated systems of softwares is an essential factor to facilitate business communication, both internal and external one, which can cause differences in several aspects related to the competition, costs or organization level. The present study aims at measuring the relation between internal and external integration of the integrated systems of informatics and the service provision in accounting offices established in the Minas Gerais countryside, using in order to reach that, the application of a questionnaire with structured questions. The obtained information have been treated by the use of Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS), which has allowed an establishment of conjectures making use of descriptive statistics analyses, Spearman Correlation, Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test. As result, it has been noticed that the external integration levels are unfavorable and that variables, such as the lifespan in market and professional constitution sample do not influence the integration levels. On the other hand, it was concluded that the traces of influence in the internal integration levels of the systems when there is variation in the clients and invoicing volume.
Keywords: Integrated Systems. ERP, SI, Services.
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