Manifestation of the 7th Forum of Journal Editors in the area of Arts / Visual Arts, September 29, 2020


7thº Forum of Journal Editors in the field of Arts / Visual Arts


The editors of Brazilian scientific journals linked to the Graduate Programs in Visual Arts and research and graduate associations in arts, gathered at the 7th Forum of Editors of the Area of Arts / Visual Arts, which took place remotely, on September 28 and 29, 2020, with the presence of 26 journals and 37 participants, among editors, deputy editors and representatives, make it known that among several discussed points that will enter into specific document, highlight the following manifestations:

The valorization of the Arts area in CAPES and its role of defending the specificities of visual arts journals in view of the set of areas that integrate the Brazilian graduate program, recognizing the achievements resulting from the active presence of our peers for the consolidation of journals in the dissemination of knowledge and its impacts on the social and cultural policies of the country;

The importance of defending evaluative criteria for the visual arts area, in addition to citation impact metrics that have been imposed as a bibliometric indicator in the evaluation of performance of academic scientific production and journals;

The valorization by the area and the Graduate Programs of the work and the fundamental role of reviewers to ensure the quality of the works published by the journals of Visual Arts.

 We strongly reject the Brazilian Government's interference spree on university autonomy, budget cuts and the failure of funding that make research in public universities and their fundamental objectives unfeasible, as well as the social function of Brazilian public education.


Subscribe to this manifesto:

Agnus Valente - Revista Rebento (UNESP) 
Alexandre Sá Barretto da Paixão - Revista Concinnitas (UERJ) 
Alice J. Monsell - Revista Paralelo 31 (UFPel) 
Analice Dutra Pillar - Revista GEARTE (UFRGS) 
Andrea Hofstaetter - Revista GEARTE (UFRGS) 
Angela Grando - Revista Farol (UFES) 
Beatriz Rauscher - Revista Estado da Arte e Revista ouvirOUver (UFU) 
Biagio D’Angelo - Revista VIS (UnB) 
Carin Dahmer - Revista Digital do LAV (UFSM) 
Daniel Hora - Revista Farol (UFES) 
Emerson Dionisio Gomes de Oliveira - Revista Modos (UnB, UNICAMP, UFRJ, UFRGS, UFBA, UERJ)  
Fábio Fonseca - Revista ouvirOUver (UFU) 
Fábio Wosniak - Revista Apotheke (UDESC) 
Felipe Scovino - Revista Arte & Ensaios (UFRJ) 
Jo A-mi - Revista Vazantes (UFC) 
José Eliézer Mikosz - Revista Art&Sensorium (UNESPAR) 
Keyla Sobral - Revista Arteriais - PPGArtes (UFPA) 
Lêda Guimarães – Revista Visualidades (UFG) 
Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira - Revista Poiésis (UFF) 
Madalena Zaccara - Revista Cartema (UFPE/UFPB) 
Magali Melleu Sehn - PÓS - Revista do PPG em Artes (UFMG) 
Mara Rúbia Sant'Anna - Revista Palíndromo e Revista Ensino em Artes, Moda e Design (UDESC) 
Maria Cristina da Rosa Fonseca da Silva – Revista Educação, artes e Inclusão (UDESC) 
Maria de Fátima Morethy Couto - Revista Modos (UnB, UNICAMP, UFRJ, UFRGS, UFBA, UERJ) 
Marta Castello Branco - Revista Nava (UFJF) 
Milena Szafir - Revista Vazantes (UFC) 
Orlando Maneschy - Revista Arteriais - PPGArtes (UFPA) 
Paulo Silveira - ARJ - Art Research Journal (ABRACE, ANDA, ANPAP, ANPPOM) 
Priscila Rampin - Revista Estado da Arte (UFU) 
Rogéria de Ipanema - Revista Arte & Ensaios (UFRJ) 
Rosa Maria Blanca Cedillo - Revista Contemporânea (UFSM) 
Rosangela Britto - Revista Arteriais - PPGArtes (UFPA) 
Sávio Stoco - Revista Arteriais - PPGArtes (UFPA) 
Tatiana Telch Evalte- Revista GEARTE (UFRGS) 
Teresinha Barachini - Revista Porto Arte (UFRGS) 
Vera Lucia Didonet Thomaz - ARJ - Art Research Journal (ABRACE, ANDA, ANPAP, ANPPOM) 
Vitoria Amaral - Revista Cartema (UFPE/UFPB)