Ecrire “la danse” en anthropologie: la violence de la recherche au bout du stylo [Writing "Dance" in Anthropology: Research Violence at the Tip of the Pen]


  • Mahalia Lassibille Université de Paris 8 –Vincennes Saint Denis



Dance anthropology, writing, notation, ethnography, Peuls Wodaabe, Niger


Writing is a central activity in dance anthropology, but it is neither neutral nor innocent. The movement presents challenges in transferring it to paper, and exposes the anthropologist to ethnocentric risks. How can she overcome the categorization mechanisms that have constructed one's knowledge and tend to guide one's gaze? How can he account for practices and use graphical forms that transform the studied content? The act of "writing dance" presupposes an inevitable part of violence in what? To address these different aspects, an angle of reflection will be developed from questions raised during writing about the dances of the Wodaabe, a Fulani subgroup in Niger. The challenge is to associate the problems of writing in dance and in anthropology, and to think about the relationships between the questions posed and the tools used, the movement and the sign, and the researcher and the agents.


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Author Biography

Mahalia Lassibille, Université de Paris 8 –Vincennes Saint Denis

Mahalia Lassibille is a professor in the Dance department of the University of Paris VIII. An anthropologist specializing in African dance, she has conducted field research on Nigerian Peuls Wodaabe dances, combining the study of the so-called "traditional", "scenic" and "tourist" contexts in view of political dynamics and identity. She currently conducts research on the use of dance categories, particularly "traditional African dance" and "contemporary African dance" and their choreographic effects. She is a member of the "Analysis of Speech and Practice in Dance" research team of the MUSIDANSE Laboratory (EA 1572) and an associate member of URMIS (Migration and Society Research Unit, UMR 205). She is vice president of the Association of Dance Researchers and on the editorial board of Recherches en danse.


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How to Cite

LASSIBILLE, M. Ecrire “la danse” en anthropologie: la violence de la recherche au bout du stylo [Writing "Dance" in Anthropology: Research Violence at the Tip of the Pen]. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 27–43, 2016. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v3i2.10919. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.