Feminist theatres, a plural noun: work-of-memory on the narratives of feminism in the Brazilian theatre
Feminist a(r)tivism, Theatre and feminism, Brazilian feminist theatre, Work-of-memory, Frigga HaugAbstract
In this essay, we propose the reconstruction of the meeting between Amelinha Teles, Cláudia Schapira and Fernanda Azevedo, promoted by the SESC Belenzinho and held in the heart of the celebrations of March 8, 2016. The memory is used as a method, drawing on the work of the German sociologist Frigga Haug (1992, 1996), in his considerations on the detective work that takes as a starting point the real experience of the people in the world and the Marxist theory of the examination of the material conditions discursively evoked by the women. In this way, we observe the practices of gender in the Brazilian theater area in a broad context, in which identity politics, social roles, feminisms and theatrical creation and production modalities take place in a historical arch of about 50 years. The recapture of 2016, therefore, makes use of the work-of-memory method in order to apply it to the examination of the social construction of gender in the theatre, as well as to invite the revision of this process, but in 2018, from the analysis itself, to the historical structures here discussed, in their contradictions that make them mobile and changeable.
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