The guitarist's posture and gestures: health, technique and expression




Instrumental gestures, Corporal awareness, Physiology of the instrumentalist, Klauss Vianna Technique, Muscle tone


This essay aims to discuss the guitar technique and the guitarist's posture from an anatomical, kinetic and therapeutic point of view. In order to support this reflection, we approach the working methods and propositions of authors and artists rooted in the areas of dance, physiotherapy, euthony, medicine and musicology. We start from the notions of corporal awareness and postural reorganization, broadly approached by Marie-Christine Mathieu, Klauss and Angel Vianna, to discuss the basis of the sitting posture, the use of arms and its articulations in movement. Supporting the ideas of Gerda Alexander, François Delalande, Rolf Inge Godøy and Rudolf Laban, we finally discuss the idea of ??scenic presence, emphasizing the notions of ton, energy, form and expression of the movement.


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Author Biography

Ledice Fernandes Weiss, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Ledice Fernandes is a postdoctoral researcher funded by FAPESP at ECA-USP, working with the notion of musical gesture in an instrumental, sonorous, bodily and scenic perspective. She studied the guitar in her native Brazil, as well as in Germany and France, with Pablo Marquez, Paul Galbraith, Franz Halasz and David Russell. Among her diplomas, there are the Künstlerisches Diplom and the Meisterklasse from the Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg-Augsburg. She has given over a hundred concerts as a soloist or in chamber music formations such as the recent Duo Racines with Angelique Camargo, or the performing group Anagram. Ledice Fernandes participated in theatrical projects both in Brazil and during her stay in the United States in 1993 at Georgia State University. After graduating with a bachelor of performing arts degree from USP and a master's degree in music and musicology from UFRJ, she produced a Master II and a doctoral thesis in France (Universities of Lyon and Bourgogne). She participated in congresses (ANPPOM - where she coordinated two Thematic Symposiums - ABRAPEM, Journées d'etudes in Nice, EITAM), and published articles in music magazines (Opus, Debates, Dramaturgias, Cuadernos de Música, Vortex, Soundboard, Violao Intercâmbio).


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How to Cite

FERNANDES WEISS, L. The guitarist’s posture and gestures: health, technique and expression. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, 2020. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v7i1.18466. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.