State of readiness: performative research and collaboration in the interartistic creative processes in "Converse"
Performative Research, Collaboration, Creative Processes, State of Readiness, Capoeira RegionalAbstract
This article focuses on the collaborative, interartistic creative processes that led to the work Converse, for one performer, piano and live audio/video processing, with two video projections. The literature lacks works discussing artistic processes of a collaborative nature that go beyond personal and autoethnographic reports. Hence, we tried, in this text, to provide a new methodological path, one that considers the interconnection of theory with practice – according to Lima – in a collaborative approach for performative research – according to Haseman, Fernandes, Bacon and Midgelow –, mediated by a concept originated in a cultural context: the Capoeira Regional.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Lia Gunther Sfoggia, Guilherme Bertissolo, Luciane Cardassi (Autor)
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