Remaking the body, sculping affections or, what we learn with Antonin Artaud
Scene-body, Artaud, Decolonization, Affections, AutofictionAbstract
The thinking concerning the body is placed contemporaneously in the center of the reflections about art, the individual, their experiences, and uniqueness with all the complexity of our being in the world. A body made of intensities, a dense block of affections, owner of know-how that challenges the construction of our subjectivity. This body exceeds the familiar in us, trespasses us, provoking experiences past the sensible body. In this essay, we observe attempts of insurrection and decolonization of structures of subjectivation of the sensible body in the genesis of an autofictional body-scene. They aim for the freedom of the “backward dance”, performed by improper bodies as instigated by Artaud in its Theatre of Cruelty.
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